Thursday 8 December 2016

Paisley Centre Christmas Singalong

Today Primary 6 sang in the Paisley Centre to help raise money for the Ronald McDonald charity. We had a great turn out from family and friends and had a great time spreading Christmas cheer! Thank you all for coming. 

Monday 5 December 2016

Primary 6 technology challenge

Image result for keep calm and switch off

This week your homework challenge is to stay off any electrical equipment at home including; mobile phones, tablets, x-box, PC, television and items that use batteries. This is to appreciate how life was in the past before these items were invented which links to our current topic. Below are the rules:

- No technology between 5pm-9pm one night this week.
- You cannot sit in a room that has electrical equipment on.
- An adult must post a comment on this blog confirming you did not use equipment.
- You must write about how you spent your time in your spelling jotter.

How will you cope? Here are some suggestions; drawing, reading, painting, playing with toys, sports, a walk, talk to someone in the house, paint your nails, tidy your room, complete your homework, help around the house or play with a friend or sibling.